Community Septic Inspections (HK-CSI)

Township of Huron-Kinloss
Project Manager
Matt Pearson
A team of workers digging out and inspecting a septic system
Click to Enlarge

The Huron-Kinloss Community Septic Inspections (HK-CSI) program represents a proactive step in addressing the possibility of septic systems affecting surface and groundwater quality. Initiated in the spring of 2007, the program aims to encourage regular maintenance of septic systems through mandatory inspections with every system being inspected on a rotating basis over an 8 year period.

Septic systems are a common method of waste treatment and disposal in the Township with approximately 2,900 private on-site septic systems along the lakeshore and inland. Through a non invasive, visual inspection process an average of 350 tanks are inspected each year. The program was designed by BMROSS using Community Based Social Marketing as the underlying platform to involve property owners in the protection of the environment. The administration of the program (design, correspondence, GIS, deficiency follow-up) is carried out by BMROSS in cooperation with the Township.

The HK-CSI is funded by a flat rate assigned to eligible properties on the annual taxes and is designed to complement the existing water quality sampling program carried out by the Township on area watercourses and Lake Huron.

The first cycle of the program was completed in 2014. The summary report for this project can be viewed at the Public Information Centre page on the BMROSS website ( Cycle 2 is beginning in 2015 and will be carried out over the next 8 years.

In 2011 the Township was presented with a State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC) Award for its exceptional performance and dedication to improving the quality of the Great Lakes.