B.Sc., M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
519-524-2641, Ext. 208
Ken’s primary area of work is to assist clients with structural projects, including bridges and buildings. He also provides engineering for road reconstruction projects and is currently the Horizontal Infrastructure Group Leader.
Ken’s role varies from evaluating options, preparing designs, project management and the preparation of asset management reports that help clients determine their long-term needs and priorities for rehabilitation work. He has prepared asset management reports for bridges, roads and buildings in many municipalities.
The clients Ken has worked with include municipalities, industries and other engineers. When preparing designs, he is regularly working within a team or managing the team, to prepare the final product for the client.
Away from the office, Ken is active with his family and in his community. If he’s not on the field helping coach junior soccer, he can be found at the slow-pitch diamond or in an arena with a broom or rock in his hand. Assisting in Port Albert’s anniversary celebrations and providing operational guidance at his local church rounds out his spare time activities.