Bayfield Stormwater Master Plan
The Municipality of Bluewater has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process to develop a Stormwater Servicing Master Plan for the Bayfield Settlement area in August 2013.
The Master Plan process included a background review of the study area in order to characterize and identify potential impacts associated with the natural, cultural and built environments. A questionnaire was mailed to all property owners in the community seeking their input and two public meetings were held to obtain feedback on the proposed recommendations. Agencies and stakeholders were also engaged through a direct mail-out. The outcome of the Master Plan process, which identified a preferred implementation alternative, being to implement the Stormwater Servicing Master Plan using a combination of Conventional and Low Impact Development (LID) design concepts, was reached following an analysis of a range of potential Master Plan options.
The Stormwater Servicing Master Plan developed through the Class EA Master Planning process will require the construction of major infrastructure works (e.g., new stormwater drainage infrastructure, stormwater detention facilities, new outlet to Lake Huron), and will be implemented over a fifteen to twenty year time frame. The Master Plan sets out a series of recommendations for project implementation, including a proposed phasing plan for implementation of priority drainage upgrades. Schedule B activities identified through the plan will require additional Class EA investigation prior to implementation. All other projects identified through the Master Plan have been reviewed in conjunction with the Class EA process and are therefore pre-approved.