Bayfield STP Class EA
The Municipality of Bluewater initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process in September 2011 to identify the best strategy for expanding and upgrading the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) servicing the community of Bayfield. Sewage flows to the existing facility are approaching the plant’s hydraulic capacity and given the current growth rate within the community, and existing commitments to developments, the facility will need to be expanded within the next 3-5 years. The proposed project is a Schedule C activity under the terms of the Class EA document which means that all 5 phases of the Class EA process must be completed.
The Class EA process is incorporating a comprehensive consultation program which includes a recent public information meeting (October 31, 2015) and consultation with review agencies and First Nations Communities. Copies of the presentation material are available in the document section. Two background water quality studies of the Bayfield River have also been completed, which can also be reviewed.
The project engineer is currently reviewing various expansion alternatives to determine the preferred method of treatment for the expanded treatment facility. Recommendations will be presented to the Bluewater Municipal Council over the next 4-6 months. A final public information meeting will be scheduled for the spring of 2016 to present a preferred alternative to the public prior to finalization of the Class EA process.